StackOverFlow User


An IT architect advocating Open Source on Java Stack with emphasis on APM tools and Cloud Computing Platforms. Working on multiple Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) environments. Developed couple of Software-as-a-service(SaaS) tools. Promotes and supports entrepreneurship. Focusses on market needs and customer flexes. A great fan of Java, MySQL, Selenium, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Facebook Architecture, Netflix Cloud Platform, Amazon EC2 and Beanstalk and finally the gem of the list: Red Hat OpenShift!!

Believes in having a tag line 'no policy is our policy' at a technology workplace! I run a SaaS tool to evaluate interesting components around Java and APM space on weekends.

Favourites: Apache Commons, Red Hat OpenShift, Selenium and Linux Distros