Jan de Nysschen


During the 70's I learned and got to know everything about the ICL1900 series computers and operating systems and programming in PLAN was a breeze

During the 80's I even managed to hack a Intel 8080 based Point Of Sale Terminal and reprogrammed the EPROM's do satisfy a client's requirement. The ICL2900 series with VME/B,VME/K and TME operating systems was no problem. Programming in COBOL using IDMSX data base was second nature.

But then, the revolution /evaluation or whatever happened (the pawpaw hit the fan). Computer technology exploded. It is about technology and not computers.

There was no way out. I had to switch from main frame to server technology. I started working on UNIX and Oracle during 1997. Since then I worked mainly with PL/SQL, Pro*C, Forms, XML/XSL transformations and APEX. I even received Java training.

During the past 5 years I had to get to know HTML and Javascript.

I am a creator/inventor/hacker/enhancer and use the technology available and appropriate.

Slack and Telegram fired an interest in Bot's. This caused me to get to know nodejs and javascript.

In a current project I am using Python on a Raspberry Pi to control the scanning of 8mm film and serve the images to a PC client.

Outside of computers my passion is aquaculture, aquaponic and hydroponics.