

Check this out: https://keyjs.dev

INTJ-T (Architect) product-oriented CTO, Software Engineer/Architect and Entrepreneur who loves to own features from conception to delivery and build systems from frontend to backend, crafting great user experiences and accessible frontends and architect scalable, robust and high-performance backends: https://linkedin.com/in/danigamezfranco

CTO & polyglot technologist, with a strong focus on JavaScript/ES.Next, Angular, React, TypeScript, Node.js, Python (ML) and MongoDB and a big interest for Go, Rust, Blockchain and Flask/Django, which I can't wait to put my hands on!

Regular StackOverflow contributor, where I am in the top 5% answerers for JavaScript, Node.js and MongoDB, top 10% for CSS, React.js, Webpack and Python.

I enjoy training people and giving talks (hopefully more often in the future), share ideas, and solutions, spend time working on UI/UX, rich data visualization and performance and learn new things regularly, as you can see on my Github profile: https://github.com/danziger

I'm particularly interested in gaining experience in AWS, system architecture, Blockchain, leadership, and artificial vision.

Remote work advocate and frustrated digital nomad who loves road and adventure trips, go-karts and nature. In love with Cyprus, Azores, UK and, especially, Andorra!

✨ Fun fact: All this started with a Sega Mega Drive, a Packard Bell iConnect, Monkey Island 3 and Commandos. Luckily, I became an Engineer rather than a gamer.

If you absolutely need to, you can download my CV from my website below, but I strongly encourage you to take a look at LinkedIn instead, as it's more complete and up to date.