

Mr. Lehmann studied computer science at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. He started to teach computer engineering and architecture as a tutor. Later on, he specialized in digital design, FPGA technology, and high speed communications. He shared his gained knowledge in labs, research articles, and on social platforms. His research focused on digital designs with VHDL as well as the integration of EDA design steps into a Git and web services based development flow. Since 2017, Patrick Lehman is working for PLC2 GmbH as a trainer for VHDL, OSVVM and PCI Express.

He is one of the developers and maintainers of The PoC-Library, a platform and vendor independent open source IP core library. He is also a contributor to the free VHDL simulator GHDL. In 2016, he started an initiative called "Open Source VHDL Group".

Mr. Lehmann is active in the IEEE P1076 "VHDL Analysis and Standardization Group" since 2014. He detailed and wrote major parts of the language changes for the upcoming VHDL revision. In 2017, he became an IEEE Standards Association member and was announced vice-chair of the P1076 working group. In this current work, he is working together with IEEE to release all VHDL language packages as open source, as well as creating a new collaborative, open source publishing flow in IEEE.