Matt Kantor


I'm interested in most things IT, especially anything that has an impact on communication, society at large, or the ways we think and live. I'm also into physics and astronomy, music, sociology, philosophy, and just about anything that I think might help me make sense of this crazy and beautiful world. Designing things and solving problems are ways of channeling my creative energy to shape a better future.

I grew up on a rural horse farm in New Tripoli, PA. There still isn't cable on our street, the phone lines were so bad that we were lucky to get a 30K internet connection, and it took 45 minutes to traverse my old school district. We once found moonshine under our floorboards when remodeling a room.

I like fixing things; I enjoy the outdoors; I think that most people take themselves way too seriously. I derive a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment—though I'm not a religious man—from exploring the whys and whats of this world.

Most of my professional career has involved web design & development.

I enjoy building modular software with clean yet flexible APIs. When creating web services, I believe in building atop HTTP instead of kludging my way around it: I create RESTful systems that are truly part of the web in both spirit and practice.

I try to use open source software and follow open standards whenever practical.