

Even though my own password security checker gave my password a 99% value. My check does tests on word dictionaries (all 'major' languages) and enforces at least 1 numeric, 1 uppercase, 1 lower case etc etc, StackOverflow's checker would not let me use my security-tested password as it was 1 character short!

Consequently I now have one of the most insecure passwords I have ever used securing myself on this service. And amazingly StackOverflow's password checker was quite happy to accept it. I'm beginning to get a little annoyed at having other people's (apparently very shoddy) software tell me (a HUMAN being) that I'm making a mistake when in actual fact I'm not.

p.s. My password now begins with Abcdefg.... you can guess the rest - the clue is 'I went all the way to z'!

DO what you will with my account. Post for me. Use it as a bot. Anybody stupid enough to let a password such as that through a 'password checker' is not part of any club I want to join.