Peter MK


Hungary based front-end developer providing a seamless bridge between design and the back-end. Experience with developing large-scale JavaScript applications for enterprise companies. Specialties include responsive web design, mobile optimization, and scalable, performant CSS.

Programming Languages: Typescript/JavaScript, Stylus/CSS/Sass/Next, HTML, AJAX, JSON, XML, bash

Frameworks/Libraries: React.js, Redux, Immutable.js, Storybook, Docz, D3.js, AngularJS, Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQuery, Strapi

Software: Visual Studio Code/Webstorm/Sublime Text 3, Zeplin/Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, Terminal, Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat,

Operating Systems: Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

Other: Git, Slack, Jira/Stash/Atlassian products, Agile workflows, responsive web design