
My name is Steve and I am a JavaScript guy. I have been working in software development for over a decade. I have had a variety of roles, ranging from individual contributor to team leader. I have seen technologies change, but the necessity of clean code and clear communication is eternal. I am dedicated to improving both; for myself and my team.

I like to learn. At present, my interests include React, TypeScript, Node, Express, MongoDB and NoSQL, Cloud Architecture and Serverless Application Design. I use PluralSight for skills development and you can see what I am up to here: https://app.pluralsight.com/profile/76484

I am a student on Khan Academy, where I do mostly Math and Statistics courses. You can view my profile at https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/s.76484. I am also a patron and have been donating monthly since 2014. I think it is an excellent cause and I would urge you to consider doing the same: https://www.khanacademy.org/donate

I like to help. My career has been enriched by mentoring junior developers and sharing with them the knowledge and best practices I have accumulated over my years.  When I can, I contribute answers to StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3397771/76484