

Well... Where to start with?... I like creating something out of nothing - this is why programming is the best way or me to do that. First of all - math education in KPI as well as learning a variety of programming languages (that are dead now) - from Assembler to C# (Perl, PHP, Lisp, C++, Java, JavaScript (CSS/HTML included), etc).

I've started my career as a freelance developer making ordering/serving program on Delphi/Pascal for some restaurant. Then worked as back end developer writing some WCF services on C#, switched to full-stack, and started writing complex WebSites from scratch using MVC/WebApi + Angular.js. In parallel developed my skills with MySQL/MS SQL relative DBs. A bit later, when .NetCore 1 was born - dived deep into microservice architecture with RabbitMQ, WebApi2, and self-hosted microservices on Owin/Katana as well as authorization/authentication implementation using Identity Server 2/3. As time flies - moved to cloud starting with Azure Cosmos DB, AWS Document DB (formal Redis), and corresponding messaging services. Still working in that area discovering more and more endless possibilities of programming and self-improvement.

As a hobby, I participate in the rally and assemble models like quadrocopters and RC cars.