

Learn JavaScript: Pro JavaScript

2013 02: 2º and 3º iteration on the Tcanvas.

2013 01: Build a graph for a production application with my custom html5 canvas framework (Tcanvas)

2012 12: Building a custom html canvas framework on the qooxdoo platform (Tcanvas)

2012 10: Starting to play with html5 canvas.

2012 10: First release of a Qooxdoo + Node.js + MongoDB on Ubuntu + NGinx.

2012 02: Developing software using Qooxdoo + Node.js. First test project.

2011 12: New presentation: Future web architecture (Don't code crap)

2011 12: Stop working on the JS framework, because I have no time.

2011 09: Progress & Changes in the core of the Totty's framework. Researching design patterns and alternatives to classical ( and prototypical ) inheritance for flexible edits in too-late stages of development. Learned advanced and performance techniques in javascript.

01.03.2011: The first javascript framework (Totty) that you only need to know Javascript Sugar:

2011 02: Researching new design patterns for rich internet applications (or just web applications);

Currently building a javascript framework designed for building RIAs with a look at: performance, MVC structure, modularized, classical inheritance + mixins, ease to use.

before 2011: RIA with Flex4 example

Used Flex3 & 4; UI Design; UX; Future web architecture (Don't code crap)