Daniele Bogo


My name is Daniele Bogo, I’m Italian and I’m 30. I was born in Gorizia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, a small town in northern Italy. After the high school I attended the Graphic School of Udine and graduated in graphics and screen printing.I started to work early at Way-out as a graphic designer and web/flash developer, until it is presented the chance to work at MTV Italy as web designer for Mtv, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central and Qoob. After nearly one year I started to work as web designer/flash and iOs developer at Dodicitrenta Digital Creative Studio, a good ground where developers and designers can improve their skills with a multitude of projects.

After two years i went back to MTV and i was one of two iOs developer of Mtv South Europe.

Now I’m an iOS developer in the D-Still crew.