

I am a Senior Software Engineer with Neuone, LLC.

My biggest areas of expertise are enterprise systems in PHP and Java, both with and without backing frameworks. However, frameworks of choice are Laravel and Play respectively. I'm actively seeking out new technologies and ways to leverage them to make my work and the overall landscape friendlier and more robust, and I think with that comes a polyglot style that I enjoy. I'm a big fan of KISS and DRY principles, so expect that in any kind of code review. Also, I'm a stickler for good style and readability of code, so I hope you know the difference between snake_case and camelCase :)

When not at work I spend my spare time also programming, with some digital artistry thrown in as well. I'm in a very loving relationship with my amazing girlfriend, and I'm also the proud father of a six year old little girl who also lives with me.