Marc Roussel


I'm a programmer since 1980, Started in basic, then Pascal followed by VB 6 and finally C#. I did not go from VB 6 to VB.NET. I started in C# in 2000 and I worked for companies since 1997 as programmer. In April 2007 I started with Silverlight 1.0 and I'm working with it since then. Incredible technology. So fast and so cool to do web application with it and it's specially beautiful.

Now I'm back with a language I dislike (JavaScrap) so I try to get my distance from it as much as possible so I like TypeScript a bit better but I don't understand why the decision of its syntax rather than C# and .NET goodies that would have compiled in plain javascript. The World Wide web should replace javascript with the newly open source .NET and C# to code client side.