Mark Setchell


Old Unix hack turned landscape photographer with a Mac these days - which I love after years banging my head against brick walls with MS Windows.

My StackOverflow heroes are, in no particular order:

Glenn Jackman - for all-round technical prowess and friendly advice

Ole Tange - for tirelessly correcting my amateurish attempts with GNU Parallel

Ed Morton - for knowing everything about awk and tirelessly correcting my amateurish attempts at awk

fedorqui - for everything bash, awk and sed

mpapec - for the ability to turn any problem, and any number of pages of Perl into a single, unintellgible-to-humans, concise statement 3-7 lines long, only involving split(), join(), map() and a bunch of mad symbols all of which produces a miles better solution and runs in 1/100th of the time of anything I could ever hope to write - or read!