

Like many of my compatriots, I've been coding in general since the early 80's. I graduated from college with a B.S. in Computer Egineering in 1992. I've been doing primarily ECommerce Web development for about the last 12 years, with a variety of other types of development mixed in. I'm equally comfortable on the front end as on the back, at this point. I can install, configure and resolve issues with IIS Manager, Apache, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL and related tooling. I was a Master Certified Oracle DBA in the 90's. I've worked for big companies like Intel, Hollywood Entertainment Corp, Mitsubishi and Micron and for several start ups and small companies as well. I've received high praise for my work in various contexts and environments. I can play well on a team and I can be effective on my own as well. I've been trusted to do remote work for long periods and have been successful at it.