Vajira Lasantha


I’m a web application developer and familiar with web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScripts, jQuery, jQuery mobile, Bootstrap, Responsive design, PHP, MySQL, Ajax, CMS (ModX, WordPress), FBML, Mobile web apps, Codeigniter (MVC) and MySQL. As a programmer I can handle languages like JAVA, C#.NET, VB.NET and I have sounds knowledge in ASP.NET, WCF, WPF. Networking with Ubuntu server 11/12, ISC DHCP, Bind DNS (static/dynamic), Samba AD, Squid Proxy with content filtering and authentication with AD, Mail servers (Postfix & Dovecot), Webmail, VPN and Tunnelling, Linux iptables, Apache https configuration with SSL (openssl) and certificates including virtual host, VMWare, Citrix, Go-Globle, Cisco routers and switches configurations including LAN/WAN protocols, VLANs, etc.

Also, I'm an electronic hobbyist and I do programming with Arduino.