Herbert Bay


Co-founded two companies in the field of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. One of them was successfully sold to Qualcomm. It represents today the Cloud-Recognition core of the AR Platform Vuforia. Held numerous invited talks at universities and industrial AR conferences.

PhD in Computer Vision at ETH Zurich. Original author of the SURF algorithm, used for various Computer Vision and AR applications such as object recognition, image registration, classification, 3D reconstruction etc.

Published over 15 peer-reviewed scientific papers for journals and conferences including #1 Computer Vision conference CVPR. Received numerous awards including the ECCV Koenderink Award 2016 for fundamental contribution in Computer Vision

Passions: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Innovation, Web and Mobile Apps, Programming, Learning. Furthermore, I am a passionate sailor and free diver. I sailed from France to New Zealand on a small 41ft sailing yacht with my wife and our two small children.