Robert Baker


Robert specializes in the latest cloud & mobile technologies. He writes clean, concise, maintainable code while being dedicated to performance and quality. He has done everything from desktop apps to highly scalable distributed microservices that require high concurrency. He also has experience in DevOps; implementing full CI/CD pipelines.

Robert uses the latest tools and technologies including, but not limited to C# .NET Core, Typescript, Angular, Xamarin, Azure, Azure Devops, Docker containers, PWAs, Google Firebase, and more. Lately, he's been building PWAs and the microservices that power them. Robert is truly full stack and enjoys both API and client development.

Robert believes in strong code structure, organization, and following good standards. He is experienced in refactoring solutions that will enable teams to move faster, by transforming monolith solutions into clean, concise, well-organized repositories.

Robert is looking for the next step in his career, ideally leading a team using the latest technologies and with an uncompromising desire to have the best infrastructure, architecture, and code organization for the product. He enjoys working with the next versions of .netcore and angular.