

Focus on modern web app development, especially Single Page Application and Real-time web apps, with modern technologies like Html5, Javascript MVC (Angular.js, backbone.js, ember.js), meteor, node.js, express.js, MongoDB, etc. Sometimes I write my own custom JS MVC framework for projects. Let's build you a highly interactive or real-time web app together! I also do backend server and traditional website development with Node.js/PHP/Symfony/Loopback. Of course, as a Fabric.js developer, I would love to work on fabric.js projects! I was also a PhoneGap developer, I may accept a PhoneGap project if I'm available.

I have experience with following techs - Symfony 1.x | Symfony 2.x | Core PHP | Wordpress - Node JS | Express JS | Sail JS | StrongLoop | LoopBack | TypeScript - Angular JS | Angular | AngularJS 1.x | AngularJS 2.x | Angular JS 4.X - Gulp Js | Grunt Js | Make Scripts | WebPack - Bower | Composer | Npm | Yarn JS - Karma | Mocha | Jasmine | PHP Unit | PHP functional testing - Canvas | SVG | Fabric JS | D3.JS | Three.JS | Draw 2D JS - MySQL | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | PostGIS | Redis | Memcached | Varnish - Doctrine | Propel | Mongoose - HTML5 | Javascript APIs | DOM APIs | jQuery | jQuery UI | Custom JQuery Plugins - CSS3 | Bootstrap 2.x,3.x,4.x | Sematic UI | Foundation | Framework 7 | Zurb Foundation - Cordova | Phonegap | Ionic - Ubuntu | Ubuntu Server | Fedora | Docker | Vagrant | Windows - REST APIs in PHP/ExpressJS/NodeJs/LoopBack - DigitalOcean | Heroku - Dedicate/Cloud/Shared Server setup for PHP/NodeJs/Static assets server - OpenStreetMap | OpenStreetMap Nominatim Server Setup - Git | SVN | Github | Bitbucket - PHP Office | PHP Spreadsheet expert - Unity 3D for iOS,Android,Windows-Phone, PC | C# | Unity 3D Games | AdMob - React | React Native