Michael Kennedy


Michael is an author, an instructor, and the technical curriculum director at DevelopMentor. He is also a co-creator and lead developer for LearningLine, DevelopMentor’s online training platform.

Michael has been building commercial applications with .NET since its initial public beta in 2001. Prior to working with .NET, he spent years working with C++ on Windows and SGI platforms. He holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics from San Diego State University and is a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Michael has a broad background in software development. He has extensive experience in Windows UI technologies (WPF, Windows Forms, and MFC), web technologies (ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, and IIS), data technologies (NoSQL, MongoDB, LINQ, Entity Framework, and ADO.NET), and software development process related methodologies (TDD, Unit Testing, Continuous Integration, TFS). In addition to teaching at DevelopMentor, you can find him speaking at conferences and user groups on topics such as NoSQL, MVC, and cloud computing.