

I have got computer in 12 years, tryed my birthday prize with Paint. Then mother brought compact disk with random software and this made me happier: then I have started learning EvrSoft HTML Editor and built-in scripts written on JavaScript. With these ones I have impressed myself with variety of actions.

Kept my hours playing some video game, learned some in-game magic, called Lua. Came to PHP with ready DataLife Engine CMS. Challenged my full-stack skills playing with CSS and other web things, like jQuery. However, I prefer to clean my memory about jQuery, because sometimes it is leading to unexpected errors and you still don't know how exactly JavaScript works. And here is the point - Node.js went as fresh ground to try my JavaScript skills in server-side programming. Now I'm using npm packages almost for everything, to keep dependencies - dependencies. Making any classy thing became very interesting activity as never with open source. I really love open source - it's like intensive therapy, after which you come the healthy programmer.

Learning Electron possibilities to make web applications after NW.js background. I use it with couple of other things. You can think my project has non-classic dependecies tree as you could see in many other projects (MEAN and other-style programmers use). I try to keep things simple on my own, nevermind how it is done by many people. I use React.js for my frontend, Node.js for backend, Electron as engine. I think, that's all I wanted to tell about my past coding experience.