Piyush Patel


I'm Piyush; I love solving real world problems with cutting edge technologies.

I've started programming in 2010, and since then have worked on various projects & programming languages which are not limited to Java, PHP, yii2 framework, node.js, socket.io.

Good at setting up & managing: web servers Ubuntu, Nginx, Apache, Amazon web services (EC2, S3, SQS, SES, RDS), Microsoft Azure

Favorite tools for software development: PHP storm, Git, Brackets IDE, Android Studio, Bitbucket, JIRA

Favorite 3rd party tools: healthcheck.io, updown.io, visualping.io

I read : hackernews, joelonsoftware.com

I blog : cutlofpassion.com

I work : saleshandy.com (co-founder)

My top read: Joel Test.