

We're going to the Moon! I'm the Senior Research Scientist at Astrobotic heading their Future Missions and Technology team.

My Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University was in the area of biologically inspired robotics with particular interests in mechanical design, soft robotics, dynamical systems, computational neuroscience, and numerical simulation. I have over 18 years of experience with and . Here are two projects, amongst many others, on Github that I've developed:

  • SDETools: Matlab Toolbox for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations
  • QTWriter: Export QuickTime Movies with Matlab

I also have experience to varying degrees in AppleScript, Arduino, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LabVIEW, LaTeX, Mathematica, Matlab MEX, OpenGL, Python, QuickTime, Regex, Tcl/Tk, UNIX, XML, and XSLT.

My LinkedIn profile.
My publications on ResearchGate.
Videos of my robots on YouTube.
My software on GitHub and the MathWorks File Exchange.

21st to earn gold badge on StackOverflow (June 10, 2016)
25th to earn silver badge on Math.StackExchange (January 31, 2014)
1st to earn bronze badge on StackOverflow (May 22, 2015)
1st to earn bronze badge on Math.StackExchange (July 29, 2017)