Tyro Hunter



  1. Software Engineer

    • Biometrics Research, Proof of Concept and then complete Implementation
    • Integrated and updated barcode log in/out web app, Employee Management System
    • Thousands of users 24/7
  2. Sr. Software Engineer

    • StreetBy - Food Delivery and LifeStyle App - download from Apple/Play Store
    • Pioneered the IOS/Android Development of the app
    • As the company grow, I led the two teams of mobile developers as the Head of Software Engineering.


I am Tyro but I'm not a newbie (if you'll forgive the pun). I have 7+ years of experience in the industry from varying roles and different positions. From junior to Tech Lead. From a Developer, QA Engineer, Software Architect to Head of Software Engineering. My expertise is the MERN Stack and React Native. With my solid experience, I aim to provide you ideas and solutions to make the most out of all the resources you entrust me.

If you are looking for an ambitious project and quality work for the improvement of your business, hire me!

Skills: - All rounder, excellent debugging and problem solving skills - MERN Stack - MongoDB, ExpressJS/HapiJS, React Redux/Thunk - Able to adapt quickly to any team and new technology - Strong grasp in business and Software Engineering "Best Practices".

  • React Native - IOS/Android
  • Angular
  • Firebase - real-time web apps

  • PHP - Laravel/Symfony2/CodeIgniter/PyroCMS

  • Git
  • Linux/Unix - OSX, Ubuntu, Debian
  • JQuery/ ExtJS
  • Java and C
  • MySQL/ PostgreSQL
  • Python - Flask/Scrapy/Selenium
  • GraphQL
  • DevOps
    • Docker,
    • AWS - S3, EC2, EB, SNS/SMS
    • DigitalOcean - NodeJS