Gene Bo


                          ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

          ~ best dev quote; Words to code by ~

         If it seems too complicated, it probably is


                          ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★


Handy aliases

Placed in ~/.bashrc

alias a="alias | more"
alias ag="a | grep $1"
alias c=clear
alias h=history
alias t=touch
alias td="touch *"
alias l="ls -al"
alias ll="ls -alt"
alias pd="pushd "
alias vib="vi ~/.bashrc"
alias sob="source ~/.bashrc"

# git
alias hg=hg1
alias gc=gc
alias gs="git status ."
alias gst="git stash save "
alias gsl="git stash list"
alias gstp="git stash pop"
alias gf="git fetch"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gu="git config --get remote.origin.url"
alias g="gs"
alias grh="git reset HEAD "
alias gl="git log"
alias gpl="git pull"
alias gpo="git pull origin"
alias gpoh="gpo HEAD"
alias gps="git push"
alias gph="git push origin HEAD"
alias ga='git add'
alias gd='git diff'
alias gco='git checkout '
alias gcod='gco develop ; git pull origin develop; gpl'
#alias gcod='git checkout develop'
alias gm='git mv'
alias gr='git rm'

# removes local repo branches that have already been merged on server
alias clgb="git branch --merged develop | grep -v \"\* develop\" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d"

# adb
alias ks="adb kill-server"
alias devices="adb devices"
alias adbt="adb shell input text "
alias adbk="adb shell input keyevent"
alias adbkt="adbk 61" #tab
alias adbke="adbk 66" #enter key

function hg1 ()
  history | grep $1

function gc ()
  git commit -m "$*"

Checklist for DataBinding with List Adapter:

 * 1. Add <layout> tag to the list item xml to get the Binding class
 * 2. Define instance member in ViewHolder for binding
 * 3. Define constructor that : takes the binding, sets click listener, calls .executePendingBindings()
 * 4. In onCreateViewHolder():
 *      A) instantiate binding via : DataBindingUtil.inflate(..)
 *      B) return ViewHolder using : constructor(binding)
 * 5. Access the binding in onBindViewHolder(); - to set ViewModel and otherwise access the list item layout *

. .