

Product minded Software Engineer who focuses on product, their domain and delivers best possible user experience by following industry best practices, architecture, test driven development with CI/CD pipelines

  • Enthusiasm, Devotion to work, Eager & Quick learner
  • Self-motivated and well organised team player
  • Proficient to working with teams on software development life cycle(SDLC) from requirement gathering or planning, defining, designing technical architecture, building or developing, testing, deploying and maintaining applications
  • Well verse with development process/tools like Github Actions, CodeMagic, Fastlane, Jenkins, BuddyBuild, Git workflow, Github workflow, Agile PM tools, Continuous integration and Continuous deployment(CI & CD), Test/Domain driven development with keeping healthy test code coverage, etc..
  • Currently developing cross platform applications with Flutter(mobile/web/desktop) (Since May 2018)
  • Explored different kinds of architecture on flutter and currently using bloclibrary.dev
  • Proficient to integrate and work with different kind of APIs - REST / GraphQL
  • Backend: REST API development using ExpressJS, PostgREST etc..
  • Backend: GraphQL API development using Apollo GraphQL server, Hasura(similar to PostGraphile) etc..
  • Proficient to work with relational databases(MySQL/PostgreSQL) and SQL queries
  • Developed many applications using Firebase Cloud Products (BaaS).
  • Worked on many different user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing and fully functional applications
  • Proficient in object-oriented design, data structures, problem solving, complexity analysis, and debugging
  • Proficient in writing efficient, maintainable, reusable, testable code that preserves privacy and security
  • Proficient to work with many programming languages like Dart, Java, Kotlin, Swift, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, Python etc..
  • Regular follower of news, groups, communities, forums and blogs to stay connected and updated
  • Trying to contribute something back to the community by providing mentorship, write articles and creating video tutorials
  • Trained/Mentored and motivated mobile team members(Flutter + Android + iOS)