

I am a self-taught software developer that takes great pride and passion in writing flexible, clean, well tested, and documented code. My favorite part of software development is that there is always more to learn. I strive to use test-driven / behavior-driven design. I am excited about refactoring old legacy code as much as starting a shiny, new project.

Historical context about the product and code base is paramount to me; just as much as the future vision of the product. This context often comes from shadowing users of the application to better understand the pain points in our application – as well as the things our application does well. This drive to understand the foundations of a product, as well as it’s future goals, help me to better craft an application that suits business needs.

I believe heavily in open source and have contributed to a several open source projects – most note-worthy being ruby gem Patron and swagger-docs. I am always looking for more open source projects to contribute to.

I believe myself to be highly adaptable — be it in different companies or with unfamiliar technologies. I’ve worked at small team startups and very large corporations requiring communications across many teams.

Strengths: Ruby / Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, PHP, Symfony, Python, AngularJS, Tornado, node, git, OO software design, design patterns, API development, API consumption, Linux (Debian, CentOS, Arch), MySQL, REST, JavaScript, BASH.