Bhavesh Jethani


8+ years of IT experience in requirement analysis, design, development and deployment of Android apps.

Acquiring in-depth knowledge and working experience in IPTV, Amazon Fire Stick, 3rd party hardware integration like barcode scanner/reader,Android Architecture Components, Room and SQLite database, FCM, GCM, Urban Airship push notification, Google Map v2, Open-fire server for chat, Urban Airship payment gateway, Paytm, PayPal, Stripe, Google In-App purchase, Ad Mob, Ad Sense, Flurry, Facebook and Firebase analytics, JSON parsing, XML parsing, Social media integration and many more.

Excellent analytical and technical skills and thorough knowledge of Agile Life Cycle and Waterfall Development Life Cycle.

Application performance, Code structure and Security always on top priority for me. I always like know new or libraries which are trading in the market.

Programming Languages: Kotlin, Java Development Tools: Android Studio, Eclipse