Mahbub Tito


I am a Software Architect at DataSoft Systems Bangladesh Limited. More than 12 years of experience in Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of Web/LAMP Applications with the highest level of quality and efficiency. I have always been passionate about learning. I would like to work with web-based and mobile-based applications.


  • Domain Knowledge: Micro-finance, MFS, Remittance Management, Accounting Systems with Inventory and HR, Merchant Banking, Stock Market Analysis, Back office Management, Real Estate Management, Service center management, Office Management,Web Portal and CMMi process work flow.
  • Language: PHP, XHTML, CSS, Jquery, JavaScript, XML
  • Framework: CakePHP, Codeigniter, Spring MVC
  • CMS: Wordpress, Joomla and Croogo (Cakephp framework)
  • Databases: MySQL, MS SQL-Server, MongoDB
  • Familiar with: Android, Java (JSP), ASP.Net, C#, NodeJS
  • IDE & Tools: Netbeans, Eclipse, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio 2010, iReport, JpGraph, HighChart, Jquery Charts, Flash Carts, TCPDF etc.