Paolo Mioni


After a degree in Philosophy at the University of Padua, I decided to focus on web design and technologies. I taught myself how to program in a variety of languages and co-founded HCE. I directed the development and maintenance of sites with 1,000,000+ unique visitors per month, I designed e-commerce software for online companies with hundreds of thousands of transactions per year. I worked on several sites with 20+ languages. I currently work on several projects, including being the lead front-end developer for a major automotive brand, leading the development of two websites for a major Italian bank. I've recently been the lead developer for the launch website of a new car for a major automotive brand. Thanks to my humanistic background, I enjoy and I'm good at internationalizing websites, keeping cultural and linguistic differences in mind while designing and coding. In my job I like to look at the big picture as well as at the smallest details. I adore debugging and enjoy challenges and solving complex problems, both of a coding and system integration nature.