Gone Coding


Devoting my spare time to useful projects for a while, so please don't expect any answers.

Been cutting code for well over 30 years now (way back to The Hobbit on the BBC Micro and Way Of The Exploding Fist on the C64! Who remembers those games now?)... no sign of stopping yet.

I now use StackOverflow mainly to keep my brain active. I have found answering questions here has improved my jQuery skills more than anything else I have tried. My favorite, most time-consuming and most underrated, answer is here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6801546/silverlight-rotate-scale-a-bitmap-image-to-fit-within-rectangle-without-croppi/6802332#6802332

Did a lot of Silverlight & WPF PRISM work in recent years, then WP7 and Windows 8. Currently making jQuery jump through hoops using TypeScript and LESS on highly structured and very large projects using dozens of my own jQuery plugins.

FYI: My Avatar is Rincewind the inept magician. I chose him, not because I am also an inept magician (we hope) but, because I was lead developer on Discworld I and II and grew rather fond of him.