Amaranadh Meda


Title: Advanced NodeJs developer & DevOps Engineer

Services Available

NodeJs, WordPress and REST architecture application deployment for development and Production

Define CI/CI process with Jenkins, SemaphoreCI, CircleCI

Hosting services on a2hosting, Bluehost, DigitalOcean, AWS and Heroku

SSL certificate configuration

Writing build-tool using Grunt , Gulp and WebPack

NodeJs consultant

Forever and pm2 deployment process

AWS cloud services integration with NodeJs application.

Web application development on Angular, and ReactJs

Payment gateway Integrations with Stripe, WePay, Braintree, fonepaisa and paytm etc.

User analytics integration with and other tools

Facebook API or Facebook developer API and Google API or Google developers API integration.

TICK stack (Telegraf, InfluxDb, Chronograf and Kapasitator) services integration.

Linux administration services.

Dynamic subdomain integrations or Wildcard domain creation with APIs.

Multi-tenant architecture and Product white label processing will be define.