

I do love everything about PC; From power generation plants, electricity and transistors, to designing, developing, optimizing, testing and using complex software stacks. I love microcontrollers, CPUs, GPUs and crafting cases, racks, and even cooling systems for datacenter rooms. I love bios modding, asm, C, C++, Javascript. I wrote 16-bit programs in turbo pascal, back in school times, and saw Windows 3.11. I've played with visual basic, and used C-rootkits for winserver2003. I've met times of renaming Delphi to Rad Studio. I knew Visual C++ 6.0. I built linux kernels and ramfs for embedded systems. I've smiled with gentoo, laughed at X.Org, and used freebsd ports, to build chromium and vlc.. Only thing I hate - is Apple: macbook, osx, iphon, stevjobs, et al.. These are worst things in the present universe and history of IT! Dont even mind to name it when children are nearby!!!