Francisco Carriedo Scher


I am a high performance engineer and you can consider me as a swiss-army-knife for any aspect of software systems:

  • As a CTO - I can take your company from idea to MVP to stable product to scalable architecture that supports your revenue generating business.

  • As a technical lead - I can take the lead of an existing team or lead the creation of a new one from scratch, including onsite and offshore workers, while acting as a link between the product and engineering workforces to ensure business objectives are met.

  • As a Software Architect - I can provide 360 solutions to your company needs, avoiding risks and problems that will cost your company a lot of time and money otherwise.

Genuine interest in all the layers that compose any given system, from hardware to UX and business domain aspects.

Mix of experience + passion makes me own my duties and ensures outstanding performance in the teams and systems I design / supervise.

Acquired deep technical skills + natural soft skills: my passion is contagious and I can motivate my co-workers as much as I can direct them.

  • CTO and technical lead roles
  • (Acquired) startup experience (see positions)
  • Development of an Messaging API platform, globally awarded by the GSMA
  • Achieved World's first GSMA RCS accreditation for API product
  • Distributed systems and R&D duties
  • Real-time platforms: Websockets, Java, NodeJS (Socket.IO)
  • Microservices: J2EE (Spring Boot), Javascript (NodeJS)
  • Functional programming: Javascript, Scala
  • Opensource software: adapting and contributing to opensource libraries
  • Payment services integration: Stripe, EbanX, Paypal, PayStack, MobileMoney
  • Messaging as a platform, conversational services, chatbots
  • Web scraping: Cheerio, headless browsers
  • Web development: SPA with MeteorJS, Express, JQuery, MongoDB, CSS, landing pages with Carrd
  • Testing Java: JUnit, Mockito
  • Testing JS: Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Selenium (end to end)
  • Virtualization + DevOps + orchestration: VirtualBox, VMPlayer, Docker, Puppet, Chef
  • Linux (CentOS, RHEL, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu) and Windows platforms.
  • High performance and performance testing

Comfortable working with several technologies and learning new ones

These are my main skills so far, willing to work on projects that allow me to expand the set!

Excellent work attitude: highly independent or a good team player, just as the project requires.

Mention "The Dude" if you contact me, to know you got to this point reading

Thanks for not wasting both my time and yours! :)