Vincent Rithner


Senior .NET, C#, Cloud Microsoft Azure, R&D architect & developer

Sobees Ltd. co-founder & CTO && deskNET SA co-founder & CTO

• Expert in .NET, C#, Windows Azure, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 • Technical Team Leader • Technical Design Architect & Developer • Technology R&D watch • Scrum • Microsoft TFS 2013/VS online/ALM • Code Analysis/Unit Tests • Design and implementation of cloud social media platform • Design and implementation of tablet and mobile application • Design and Implementation of Social Network Api's SDK • Strategic Technology Planning • Ability to lead development team and deliver quality products on time. • Ability to specify, design, plan and implement software solutions (client and server side) • Design and implementation of applications and system architectures • Design and implementation of Cloud solutions. • Design and implementation of application latest user interfaces • Knowledge of Web, Social Networks and Client/Server’ latest and emerging technologies.

Technologies: • Programming Lang.:C# (v. 1/…/4.5x), VB.NET, JavaScript, XML, Json • GUI + Web Lang.:WPF, XAML, Silverlight, ASP.NET • MEF, Prism, Composition, MVVM • Mobile Platform :Windows Phone, Windows 8 (Xaml) • Db Tools : Entity, SQL Server, SQL Server Azure • Fwrks: .NET (v. 1/…/4.5x), Linq, Linq to Entity, VSTO • Service Lang.: Web Services, Rest (Xml, Json) • Tools: Visual-Studio (v. 1/…/2015) • Server Platforms: Windows Azure (Full Life Cycle) • Social Networks API’s: Twitter, Facebook, Rss, PInterest, etc…