

Duc is a mobile software engineer responsible for developing some well-known iOS apps in Japan. He worked on many back-end services and had been the lead front-end engineer in charge of core EC mobile apps. He is also a Certified Scrum Master.

Duc was the 9th president of Vietnamese Youth and Student Association in Japan, contributed to many charitable and cultural activities of Vietnamese people in Japan. He holds many National-level and national university-level awards for the contribution to Vietnam Youth Association. He holds some awards and a patent in information technology. In 2014, he was the Google Award winner in the Code For Resilience Hackathon in Japan and his solution 'Anytime!' - A cooperative communication platform - was elected as one of 10 finalists in the global contest. He is one of the organizers of Tokyo Hackademics 2015 and Vietnam Hackademics 2015 - the first educational hackathons in Japan and Vietnam. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Computer Science from Vietnam National University of Hanoi - University of Engineering and Technology.