Allan Macatingrao


When I started college, I already knew that Software Development was my passion. I began my career when I joined a series of programming challenges held at my university. I was always at the top 10 of the best programmers at every Ateneo Programming Challenge, placing 6th in 2008, 5th in 2009, and 3rd in 2010.

After graduation, I started my professional career by joining a Startup in 2012. My tools then, were my knowledge in JAVA, C++ and OOP. I immediately transitioned to iOS development during my first day of work. I knew nothing about iOS development. It took only two weeks for me to get on-board. We were only 2 devs then, me for iOS, and another for Android. I did a lot of prototypes using Objective-C (now Swift) for prospective clients.

In 2016, I worked on a huge project and was the only iOS developer - making it a one-man team. The project was a Point of Sale application, written using Apple Swift and integrated to a backend server, SAP, and Analytics engine. The project is currently deployed in at least 150 store branches in the Philippines, and is still expanding to this day.

During my spare time, I do freelance jobs. I love learning new Programming techniques such as Reactive Programming using RxSwift, TDD (Test Driven Development), iOS integration for existing technologies, and more.

I spent 6 years learning iOS development, prototyping, conceptualising, and for the most part, programming.

As much as I love learning and utilizing my skills, I also take breaks to relax. I love to swim, and the ocean, is one of my favorite places to visit.