

I'm a web developer at Concept Marketing in Park City, UT, where I develop custom-coded websites for clients using the latest technology and responsive, mobile-first design. I also offer freelance development services. You can take a look at my portfolio of work on my personal site:

I develop custom modules/plugins and themes for Content Management (CMS) frameworks like WordPress and Drupal. After working on hundreds of sites built with each of the platforms, I've come to appreciate each platform for its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

I put effort, concern, and consideration into my work, and I won't ever make a mess for someone else to clean up. I always follow standards, I use hooks and filters, and I write clean, well documented code with just the right amount of comments.

Unordered list:

  • CSS is my jam, everything about it just clicks for me. I love the new stuff like flexbox and all the stuff you can do with animation. Everything I do looks just as the designer intended.
  • jQuery is just oodles of fun and makes things so quick. I love using it, but I can also hold my own in good old JavaScript when jQuery isn't in the mix, or I'm comfortable working with really any well-documented framework.
  • PHP is so wonderful and forgiving and friendly, I feel lucky to work with it every day. I've used APIs to build bridges between dozens of different services, and added exciting custom functionality to hundreds of web applications.
  • Adobe CS Suite- I'm mostly familiar with Photoshop and Illustrator, and a little bit of Premiere. Can do retouching and lots of wacky effects in Photoshop.
  • I'm experienced in LAMP Server configuration and administration, DNS configuration, and everything else that's necessary to deploy a web project from start to finish.

I hold a bachelor's degree in Film and Media Studies from the University of California at Santa Barbara. I also play the tenor sax. In my spare time, I like making films and playing music.