Eldhose M Babu


~Employment History :

  • Working as Software Engineer @ Google
  • Worked as Lead Android Engineer @ Macys
  • Worked as Senior Software Engineer @ Sephora (through Litmus7)
  • Worked as IT Analyst @ TCS
  • Worked as Software Engineer @ Orion

~Experience :

  • ANDROID Developer with 9+ years of experience in IT Industry.
  • Agile developer with strong foundation in Object Oriented Concepts and JAVA programming.
  • Posses exceptional technical and analytical skills.
  • Interested in problem solving and Algorithm optimisation (Dynamic programming)
  • My Domain experience includes eCommerce, Telematics and Auditing
  • Full stack developer having hands on experience with C#, VB. Net, Javascript, CSS, C++ etc. I've worked with technologies like WPF, WCF, Silverlight etc.

~ My Android experience includes :

  • Android components and their interactions.
  • Creating custom views and view groups.
  • Threads and thread pool executors.
  • Interprocess communication and AIDL.
  • User Activity detection in Android.
  • Have experience with hardware interaction from android with Bluetooth, Wifi, Camera, NFC etc.
  • Unhandled Exception handling and logging.
  • Gradle build system and continuous integration.
  • Unit testing frameworks like Mockito, Powermockito, Robolectric, Junit
  • External libraries like Gson, Eventbus, Fresco, Zxing, Retrofit, Dagger, Stetho, Leak canary and other Google support libraries.

~ My own Android Apps in Google Play : - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mathokkil.stc - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mat.eyechallenger

~ My Stackoverflow account : - http://stackoverflow.com/users/1618885/eldhose-m-babu

~ My Blog : - https://derivedcode.wordpress.com/

~ Other Android Apps in google play which is having my contribution: - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sephora - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.allstate.drivewisemobile - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tcs.em2016

~ Education : - Bachelors in Computer Science