

I'm currently working for Eagle Vision Systems, where we specialize in using computer vision and machine learning to solve motion control problems for industrial robotics. I hold a B.E.Sc in Electrical Engineering, with special focus on parallel/hardware implementations of computer vision algorithms for real-time systems/robots. In my studies, I focused mostly on computer architectures, embedded systems, image processing, and parallel processing/GPGPU. For now, I'm just enjoying changing the world one robot at a time,, updating my website when I can, working on various projects (like PySceneDetect), slaving away on my thesis/research, and of course, contributing to Stack Exchange!

If you should need to contact me directly, leave a comment on this page and I will e-mail you back.

(Extensive) Experienced with Linux / Windows, assembly (x86 & m68k), C/C++, Python, VBA, C#, MATLAB, SDL/SDL2, GTK+2/3 + Glade, Qt, OpenGL, OpenCV, CUDA, SQL, SQLAlchemy, OpenCL, and VHDL / Verilog.