

I started off as a self taught PHP developer. I created and sold small website scripts. Most notably was a site search script that developers could add to a static website that crawled and indexed the site. This was in the early 2000's, prior to the large heavy use of JavaScript generated pages.

I then got into iPhone OS development (pre-iOS) and made some games. I ran a small company making games, but the company has since dissolved.

I then started working full-time as a PHP developer working on Magento and SugarCRM mostly, with some work with WordPress and other open source solutions. I also developed some internal tools and extensions for Magento, and ended up managing a small development team before moving to another company.

I was part of the Magento team at the new company, got my Magento Developer Plus certification, and extended and customized Magento 1 and Magento 2, both the CE and EE flavours.

During this time I also went back to school and completed a Computer Programmer Analyst program, in which I received the highest grade possible.

I have since moved on to work at a University as a Java developer, which was quite the change from PHP. I still develop in PHP/Laravel on the side from time to time, but I am mainly focusing on learning Java at the moment. Although my favourite language to develop with is C++, Java is a great language and I'm happy to be learning more about the language every day.