Sergiy Kozachenko


I have more than 9 years of professional experience in software development with 4 years in leading positions.

Architected and built component-based, modular client-side applications with ReactJS, Redux, React-Saga, Reselect, and ImmutableJS.

Lead team of up to 10 developers across the US, Canada, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Built numerous backend services and APIs using Clojure, .Net, RabbitMQ, Redis, ElasticSearch.

Designed index structure and integrated ElasticSearch cluster that optimized search performance 50x.

Set up CI/CD processes and Git flow in the team, deployment scripts with ansible, deployed hundreds of services to Azure and AWS.

I admire functional programming concepts and my language of choice is Clojure which I use even on client-side with ClojureScript, but I am strongly skilled at .Net and JavaScript too.