German Khokhlov


Hi. I'm German Khokhlov and I'm 30 years old. I live in Russia.

I have a bachelor degree in Computer Science. I've educated in Academgorodok in Novosibirsk city. It's like a small part of Silicon Valley in Russia. I was one of the best there. During education, I studied many languages, like C, C#, Assembler, Lisp, Python, PHP and many others.

I've got ten years of full-day work experience as a developer. My main specialization is web stack: PHP (Java coding style), JavaScript, Vue, Apache, Nginx, Mysql, Centos, Shell, Elastic, RabbitMQ, Let's Encrypt and many small things. Also, I have experience with Ruby, Python, Go. For example, I've written a Japanese Nonograms AI resolver. It's a program which eats 2 files of numbers and creates a picture in Terminal.

My favourite subject is to optimize the code for highload and highspeed requirements.

I have a lot of experience with web technologies. Last 3 years I work in the Israelian company on backend and dashboard of a website builder, something like Wix. My role is a Lead Developer, also I do a little bit of managing, like planning tasks, communication and managing system admins work.

I'm an experienced remote programmer. Last five years I've worked remotely only. Relocation is a good option too.

I use MacBook Pro, default Terminal and JetBrains IDE for work. Also, I use Sublime Text and Vim for editing. For the local environment I use Vagrant+Virtualbox+Puppet.

Thank you for your attention. I'd be happy to continue our conversation further by video chat.

German Khokhlov

Skype: v_trix

Address: Russia, Gelendzhik UTC+3