

An accomplished, result driven and impeccable passion for Technology and FOSS with 3.5 years of experience working on challenging problems in mobility, computing and augmented reality.

Solid foundation in Computer Science, with strong Competencies in Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Design.

Excellent Problem solving skills and equally good skills in teamwork and being successful as a team.

Ability to handle multiple tasks with minimal oversight.

Very creative and organized at work and values Quality Coding and use of niche tools to leverage work environment and productivity.

Keeping up with various technologies ➢ C, C++, Java, Python, C#, ABAP, Perl, Octave, Assembly, R, Hack, Haskell ➢ OpenCV, Android, AWS, Hadoop, Bluemix, Redis, Git, Cordova, Lucene, HHVM ➢ Google Tensor Flow, MySQL , SQLite , MongoDB , Firebase , Redis ➢ Php, JavaScript, AngularJS, Django, Node JS, Flask, ExtJS, RequireJS ➢ Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans, Matlab, WebStorm, PyCharm

(Research @ UB Robotics) under Prof. Karthik Dantu


➢ Exploring Use-cases that harness the power of AR into controlling robots. ➢ Make robots perform more efficiently at their job by guiding remotely via holograms.


➢ Multi-Camera Feature Tracking of Flying Bots eg. UAVs. [using April Tags] ➢ Tracking the objects in real-world co-ordinates and corresponding pitch,yaw and roll parameters. ➢ Setup involving Multiple Depth Cameras (Kinect's) and relating views wrt to one another. ➢ Studies on various Multiple Geometry Concepts, calibration and their applications.

Summary : Python, OpenCV, OpenNI, Libfreenect, Cython, Depth Cameras, Kinect Interfacing, Calibration

(Research @ Personal) Topics:
➢ Reliving highlights/epic moments of popular movies eg: HP through Hololens. ➢ Experimental PAAS system , based on OpenStack. ➢ Deep Learning @ Raspberry Pi and channeling processing to external servers. ➢ Automated Relevant Job Find + Apply via Single Click.