Ed Nolan


I am actually a machinist. I've been machining for over 27 years. Currently I refabricate a lot of big steel mill parts. I do most of it on manual machines, however I have run many CNC machines. So my love for code has been a long journey.

Most of what I know I taught myself over the years. Usually after working a long 10 hour day at my regular job.

I'm not a pro by any means, and am currently doing a lot more PHP, Fetch, Json stuff to help me round out my skills a little.

I have built an online game using HTML, CSS, and Javascript and am adding the above stuff to it, to help me learn. Once I complete adding these items I will close the door to the game via making the page pure PHP. But as for now, if you would like to take a look at it, feel free using this link.


Thanks for stopping in and feel free to hit me up anytime.