Ivan Vasiljevic


GitHub: ivanvs
LinkedIn: ivasiljevic
Medium: robince885

Software Engineer with lot of experience in home automation and web development. I love working on complex systems with high demands on scalability. In a team that I am working with, I enjoy discussing different design alternatives, and the trade-offs we make. Always in search to improve myself as a developer and to learn new things.

Currently I am very interested in Node.js technologies, software architecture and design of REST API. I am a passionate professional with love to explore, think and innovate. Big fan of agile methodologies and a strong supporter of clean and well organized code. I am always focused on concepts, semantics and ideas, as for me this is the way you become better software engineer.

Do or do not there is no try.

copy + paste != programming

Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python, C#
Frameworks of choice: Spring for Java, React and Node.JS for JavaScript
Relational Databases: MySql, PostgreSQL
NoSQL DB: MongoDB, ElasticSearch