

I am a full-stack .NET engineer for business applications, which has giving me a profound understanding of client-server applications. Officially employed as .NET developer, I don’t restrict myself to this platform and I stay curious about other technologies, concepts and programming languages. I listen regularly to podcasts, particularly around software architecture, which also spawned my desire to work with a distributed system using cutting-edge technologies like Kafka and Kubernetes. That is also how I discovered and started to study Martin Kleppmann's excellent book “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” to lay the foundations to work in data-intensive environments.

I am an able, concise and adaptable developer. I have a broad and fundamental understanding of technology and trust myself to dive down to every technical level that is required to find a solution to a problem. I won’t build a framework, if you only need a feature, but I very well have the ability to see and plan beyond the feature-level.

Specialities: .NET, C#, Java, JavaScript, Html, CSS, Knockout.js, SQL, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, WebForms, Mobile Application, Xamarin, iOS, Android, Ionic 2, Desktop Application, WinForms, WPF, Frontend, backend, Relational Database, Legacy integration

Interests: Golang, Python, Machine Learning, Software Architecture, SQL, NoSQL