

Hello and welcome to my about me section. I will start off by saying that I am new to coding but I am figuring out Python3 pretty quickly. I was recently laid off from my oil and gas job and I am taking this time to try and better my life by learning about a field in which I can make a lifelong career in. I am enjoying learning more about what Python3 is able to do each day and I am trying to learn as much as I can in hopes of getting an entry level coding job. When I started into oil and gas eight years ago I knew nothing about the field or industry and over time I worked my way up to working for one of the most desirable companies in the industry. I learn quickly, adapt to change, and strive to be the best at whatever it is I'm doing. I would make a great addition to any team. What I am looking for is a company that will be as loyal to me as I will be to them.