

Data Engineer, currently working with platforms like Snowflake, Spark, Databricks, BigQuery, Redshift. Languages like SQL (every variant), python, go-lang, rust, shell script. Formerly Business Intelligence Developer / Data Warehouse Developer working with all the Microsoft Massive Acryonym Squad Services Integrated Very Extensively (MASSIVE) tools like SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, T-SQL, MDX, Excel VBA, Tableau, Python, R and whatever other tools were thrown my way. Reformed Crystal (Reports) abuser. Former Scientist (Environmental Chemistry), venn diagram enthusiast, turboencabulator enthusiast - hate side-fumbling though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag Also enjoy destroying Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson machines & deleting code. I like sustainability, innovation, industrial ecology. I dislike ideology. Hate all the haters.