

My 3 favorite programming languages are: C++, JavaScript, and Python

  • C++ is a language I really enjoy, and once you get past the weird namespace::thing it actually makes quite a bit of sense and I prefer it to Java and C#
  • Although JavaScript gets a lot of hate, I actually enjoy making websites in it and find that it's problems are greatly exaggerated
  • Python is very nice for writing quick code, and I use it for automating stuff because I can focus less on the code and more on the different parts I have to automate. Python's performance is pretty low so I don't use it a lot.

I also have other interests, such as procrastinating and being unproductive, these are not only interests, but also some of my greatest skills

I live on Mars, sometimes it's a bit chilly, the internet's pretty bad, but it has a friendly atmosphere and there's plenty of space.